Episode 42: Finding Your Audience

Welcome to another episode of The Freelance Remuda! Today, Kate and Abigail kick us off by discussing how we found the right audience for each of our businesses. Next, we talked with equine portrait photographer Rachel Griffin about how she established her business in a new location and how she’s rebranded. And finally, we discussed building a client base, rebranding, and how trainers work with equine media pros with Shannon Pigott. Let us know what you think of this episode - you can email us at freelanceremuda@gmail.com, or even better, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!

Segment 1: Finding Your Audience: 0:44


Chris Dickinson photo retreats

Section 2: Establishing Your Business with Rachel Griffin: 12:11

Rachel Griffin is a professional equine portrait photographer located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with her husband and her beloved Quarter Horse, Herbie. A lifelong horse girl, Rachel has been involved in equine media for nine years. Today we talk to Rachel about how she has built her photography business from scratch in a new location, and about her new recent rebranding process.

Rachel Griffin: rachelgriffinphotography.com



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Untethered Design Studio

Branding to Find Your Clients with Shannon Pigott: 41:41

Shannon Pigott is a horse trainer, coach and a Clinton Anderson certified Method clinician, and she did it all after having a successful career in the veterinary industry. After beating breast cancer, Shannon shifted from the corporate arena to the horse arena and hasn’t looked back. Today, she’s found her stride as a coach for horses and their riders and is shifting her business under that umbrella with the help of an equine media professional – our own Kate Byars! We can’t wait to visit with Shannon about why she opted to reach out to a pro to handle her media in today’s segment in this episode that is focused on branding.

Shannon Pigott: Coach Shannon Pigott



Clinton Anderson’s Down Under Horsemanship

Abigail Boatwright